Obtaining the Proper Education and Training for an Exterminator

Exterminator Louisville KY is a professional who helps homeowners and businesses rid their property of pests. They can use a variety of methods, including chemical treatments, traps, and exclusion techniques.

These professionals work to get to the root of the problem and prevent future infestations. They also help clients address sanitation issues and repair structural problems that may be attracting pests.

Obtaining the proper education and training is essential for anyone wishing to become an exterminator. There are a number of different educational options available, including classes at vocational schools and community colleges. In addition, some states have certification requirements that must be met in order to be licensed as an exterminator. Taking these courses can help an aspiring exterminator gain a competitive edge in the job market and be better prepared for the work they will do.

During their career, exterminators will encounter a wide variety of pests, including insects like ants and roaches, and rodents such as mice and rats. In order to successfully control these pests, exterminators must be able to use a variety of methods, including traps and baits as well as chemical treatments. Moreover, they must be able to provide their clients with recommendations on how to prevent pests from returning, such as improving sanitation and sealing cracks and crevices in buildings.

Additionally, many exterminators spend a significant portion of their time on the job inspecting and assessing properties in order to identify the source of the pest infestation. This may require them to enter sewage systems or garbage disposal sites, and it requires a high level of attention to detail. Exterminators must also be comfortable working in tight spaces, such as crawl spaces and basements. Finally, they must be able to stand or crouch for long periods of time, as they may need to do when conducting a pest control inspection.

Some exterminators choose to specialize in certain types of pests, such as termites or bed bugs. Others focus on particular environments, such as residential or commercial buildings. Those who are interested in starting their own pest control business may choose to pursue a degree in horticulture or agricultural science. This degree will give them a more comprehensive understanding of the pests they will be dealing with and will give them a competitive edge when seeking employment as an exterminator.

In New York, all exterminators must be licensed in order to practice their profession. In order to receive a license, an aspiring exterminator must pass a written exam and a practical examination. In addition, they must meet the minimum age and other qualifications set by their state’s pesticide regulatory agency.

Knowledge of Pest Control Techniques

An exterminator must have an understanding of the methods used to control pests. This includes knowledge of the biology of the pest, its life cycle and any environmental influences. The ability to recognize the differences between different types of pests is also important. This is because, for example, a customer may request the extermination of ants and be unaware that the insect in question actually belongs to a completely different family.

Another necessary skill is the ability to inspect a property and identify pest infestations. This involves carefully examining all areas of the building and property in order to locate pests and their sources. In some cases, the inspection is performed remotely via a video camera. This is particularly useful in the case of inaccessible or hard-to-reach spaces such as behind walls or under floorboards.

The next step is to determine what kind of treatment is required. This is often based on the information the customer has provided. For example, a call to remove cockroaches will require an initial investigation to confirm the type of cockroach and the extent of the problem. This will help the exterminator to decide what measures are needed.

In most cases, a pest control professional will choose a combination of chemical and physical controls to treat the pests. The chemicals are intended to kill the pests quickly and effectively. The physical methods include traps, blocking their access to food and water, and creating barriers around the property to prevent them from entering. For example, trimming back trees or shrubs to eliminate their hiding places, sealing gaps and cracks with caulk or spray foam, and installing screens to prevent entry from birds or insects are all common methods.

A good exterminator will know the importance of a long-term solution to the pest problem. This is where a pest control specialist differs from an exterminator. While an exterminator will use pesticides, often in a much larger area than is necessary, a pest control specialist will concentrate on why the pests are there and look to improve the conditions that attract them.

Safety Training

The job of an exterminator involves using and handling dangerous chemicals. It’s important that they receive adequate training on how to handle pesticides safely and securely. Exterminators that are properly trained can help prevent damage to the property and injuries to employees and customers alike.

The EPA supports land-grant university Pesticide Safety Education Programs (PSEP) to offer training for certified applicators in agricultural, commercial and residential settings. Contact the PSEP in your state for information on available training and resources.

O’Bryan and Spencer said that NPMA and QualityPro are also playing a role in advancing the industry’s safety practices. For example, the association convened a Safety Task Force in 2017 to revise QualityPro standards that pertain to safety and recommend resources the association can offer members. A robust safety program that includes company investment, preparation of potential hazards and continued training that fosters employee buy-in is the key to a successful pest control company, they said. Keeping technicians up to date on safety tips like first aid, a guide to PPE and the proper procedure for re-fueling equipment can protect them and your property from damage or accidents.


There are a variety of state and city laws regarding licensing for pest control professionals. Generally, an individual needs to pass a written exam in order to demonstrate their knowledge of pest control techniques and how to safely use pesticides. Licensing can also help to ensure that a person is up to date on the latest products and services in their industry, and that they are following ethical standards. Licensing is important for the safety of both the individual and the customer, as many of the chemicals that are used by exterminators can be dangerous if not handled properly.

Upon passing the exam, an individual can become licensed to practice pest control as an exterminator. Some states have additional requirements, such as completing continuing education or paying ongoing fees. In addition, a license can be revoked if an exterminator violates legal or ethical guidelines.

New York has a set of detailed and stringent pest control regulations that require all individuals performing pest services to be licensed. These regulations include providing proper notice before applying pesticides, and the Department of Environmental Conservation enforces them.

The types of pesticides that can be applied with these licenses are divided into categories, which include on-the-ground applications, aerial application, and soil fumigation. A licensed commercial applicator can train technicians and apprentices and purchase, sell, and possess restricted-use pesticides. Private applicators can only purchase and possess restricted-use pesticides if they are registered in the same category as their commercial applicator.

Licensing offers a great way for small businesses to enter a new market without a large up-front investment. A licensing agreement typically involves the licensor providing the prospective licensee with all of the product information and support that they would need to make an informed decision about whether or not to proceed with the opportunity. This includes a product brochure, bill of materials and specifications, labor and time to produce, benefits over competition, estimated total market size, warranties, marketing, training provided, financial terms, etc.